I Can’t Drive 55…, Anytime Soon


On Tuesday the Department of Transportation set out guidelines  in a 122-page document that paves the way for self-driving cars to become a reality.

What was once a science fiction fantasy, is becoming closer to everyday commonplace. And as worrisome as that may be for some luddites,  a collaborative effort among government, car makers and tech companies will ensure the transition from current transportation standards, towards tomorrow.

According to the L.A. Times the government has a 15-point checklist auto makers will have to abide by.


Pomp and Circumstance

Earlier this month Uber rolled out its small but initial test of self-driving cars in Pittsburgh, PA. Although there were issues (e.g., right-turns, reaction to obstacles in the road) that still need to be worked out, the company plans to roll out the self-driving cars in its Pittsburgh fleet to the public before the end of the year.

As a precaution the company requires a live driver on board in order to adjust to potential problems. Perhaps it’s a way to err on the side of caution but critics see it as a way of not being totally ready.

Despite the Department of Transportation’s guidelines, individual states ultimately structure how those guidelines fit into the lives of their citizens. California is looking to self-driving cars but only with a chaperone on board.

According to the Los Angeles Daily News this is sort of like being handed the keys to the kingdom but being locked inside.


More critics remain among drivers over 50 which I have spoken with. Reasons range from a loss of driving freedom and personal control, to simply trusting machines.

Hopefully millennial drivers will be shape the self-driving car efforts by being early adopters. Something tech companies generally take notice of.

About rolandmaldonado

Blogger Attended Iowa State University & Arizona State University, loves law, politics, justice studies and being a husband and father

Posted on September 21, 2016, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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