bern  This morning you were either really pissed or confused if you were a Bernie Sanders supporter. It’s understandable. But you’re not alone.

Supporters of Howard Dean felt the same way after his infamous scream following the Iowa caucus in 2004. While Michael Dukakis supporters felt equally confused in 1988, when the Democratic candidate admitted that he would “not support the death penalty” even if his wife was raped and murdered. However instead of millennials being angry with the system they need to assess the situation for what it is.
Bernie Sanders is an erudite speaker who brought real issues to the table that deserve real discussion. That’s why he’s meeting with President Obama tomorrow. The question remains how both Sanders and Clinton will unify their party. It’s the only option they have available if they plan to overcome the populism of Donald Trump. His rise is nothing short of modern-day demagoguery, demonstrating that the Edward Bernays methodology of ‘engineering consent’ is alive and well. After all it’s not the media that’s the problem–it’s the marketing firms and public relations companies feeding the public message.
Tomorrow Bernie Sanders will have the table with the POTUS. Hopefully he’ll find a way to balance the support of his supporters, while working towards unifying his party. So instead of feeling butt-hurt about the process being rigged, it’s time to sit down and talk it out. Only then can progressives find a way for every day folks to “take the power back.”

About rolandmaldonado

Blogger Attended Iowa State University & Arizona State University, loves law, politics, justice studies and being a husband and father

Posted on June 9, 2016, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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