2012 Election on the horizon and nothing to say…

Watching and reading the news for the past two weeks, I slowly began to realize that often the media has little to say about the candidates in the upcoming 2012 election than the candidates themselves.

As one editorialist so succinctly put it by saying”Little brings this into sharper focus than the modern, protracted presidential campaign, where the media strain to fill an entire year with newsworthy observations.” S.E. Cupp.

In two days I have read two stories about Campaign 2012 and yet they revealed absolutely nothing.  Simply new b-roll and a new quote packaged in yesterday’s minute and thirty seconds.

Meanwhile as Stephen Colbert put it this evening, “Won’t you help Sarah Palin learn basic facts about American history for just pennies a day?” 

And while we can make the case for Tim Pawlenty or even Mitt Romney as serious viable candidates with an agenda, the truth is  that image has taken precedence over substance.  Not neccessarily a new relevation but the veil which used to hide the man behind the curtain is no longer necessary.   

But wait there’s more… what makes this run special is that Bachmann has been given the go ahead by God, which I can relate to.  However, I not really certain how that statment makes for political gains – (see Pat Robertson).  And yet even though she did make this statement in the 99 counties of Iowa and the fact that she is from Waterloo, gives her words more resonance.  But how long will it last and will she be able to connect with the rest of the country?

Each week when I go home I pass two billboards one, of President George W. Bush which read’s “Miss Me Yet,” and another of Ronald Reagan which reads “Remember real hope and change?”  

Despite either of these two leader’s faults (and yes they had them) I do recall that these men had substance, something to say and a definitve plan for this country.

We can only hope that these two ladies don’t become freenemies like McCain and Bush after their politcal endeavors ended.

About rolandmaldonado

Blogger Attended Iowa State University & Arizona State University, loves law, politics, justice studies and being a husband and father

Posted on June 1, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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