Feds create new jobs in West Des Moines

As some jobs disappear in Iowa the Internal Revenue Service is bringing new jobs to West Des Moines.  The I-R-S call center currently has 120 employees and plans to increase that number over the next six months.

From left to right, Rep. Leonard Boswell, Commissioner Douglas Schulman, Sen. Chuck Grassley and Mayor Steven Gaer of W. Des Moines.

Senator Chuck Grassley was on hand for the ribbon cutting ceremony.  He says two words describe why the I-R-S chose the site, quality and productivity.

 ” You get productivity not necessarily because Iowans just are harder workers than anybody else in the country, but because they’re so dependable” says Grassley.

Grassley says he’s glad the I-R-S located to the area and encourages them to grow the new facility in the future.  The call center will provide collection services to both businesses and individuals. 

Douglas Shulman is the U-S Commissioner for the I-R-S.  He says the reason the I-R-S chose Iowa was because of the quality of the workforce. 

Schulman says the Iowa workforce drew the IRS Call Center to W. Des Moines.

The facility will provide collection services to businesses and individuals.  The new center will bring a total of 200 new jobs to the area by next year.

The IRS maintains 39 call sites across the country.  The center is leased through the US General Services Administration.

About rolandmaldonado

Blogger Attended Iowa State University & Arizona State University, loves law, politics, justice studies and being a husband and father

Posted on July 8, 2010, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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